Companies House, Equifax and Experian
On your behalf we can undertake searches of proposed trading partners at Companies House, and check their credit rating with leading credit research agencies
Translation Services
We can undertake the translation of legal documents and letters into most common languages. Please contact the Fiduciary for more details of this service.
Registration of Vehicles
All your company’s vehicles whether leased or purchased must be correctly registered and insured in the UK . We can undertake this work for you.
Collection of Royalties
Royalties that remain uncollected is one of the most passive ways industry retains money that does not belong to them. It can take time, determination and an official Audit to secure payment. We are dogged when sniffing out overdue Royalty payments.
Corporate Yacht
We can also undertake the registration and insurance of more expensive items such as a company yacht. We can register your yacht in various jurisdictions to comply with your taxable status, and arrange marine insurance including the protection of passengers and crew.
Agency services
The Fiduciary can undertake almost any service that helps your company perform more efficiently. We have wide business experience from helping organisations develop both here in the UK and abroad, and can give practical advice that can save considerable sums of money and time.
Trademark registration
Your Internet domain name and company registration is not enough to protect your trademark. To make it legally exclusive, it must be registered as soon as possible.
We can register your trademark for your exclusive use within the UK and the European Union. We can also advise on registering your trademark in the USA and other major trading nations. It can be a catastrophic waste of your resources to build up goodwill in a brand to then discover that you do not have a legal right to your own trademark or name.Nominee Director or shareholder service only
A letter of resignation is lodged with your company for when you wish us to relinquish the role of nominee.
If we act as a Nominee Shareholder, we can hold your company shares on your behalf. You will have full security and confidentiality and, at all times, be in a position to establish your full ownership of the shares, and take back control.